Clochers & Lieux de culte : Indiana - USA

Beck ChapelBloomingtonINUSA
Korean United Methodist Church & Grace ChapelBloomingtonINUSA
St. Charles Borromeo ChurchBloomingtonINUSA
St. Paul Catholic CenterBloomingtonINUSA
Chesterton Montessori SchoolChestertonINUSA
Fairhaven Baptist ChurchChestertonINUSA
Iglesia Ni CristoChestertonINUSA
Open Bible ChurchChestertonINUSA
St. Elizabeth Orthodox ChurchChestertonINUSA
St. John's United ChurchChestertonINUSA
United Methodist ChurchChestertonINUSA
Bethel ChurchCrown PointINUSA
Cross of Christ Lutheran ChurchCrown PointINUSA
Crown of Life ChapelCrown PointINUSA
Crown Point Christian Reformed ChurchCrown PointINUSA
Eastlake Baptist ChurchCrown PointINUSA
First Christian ChurchCrown PointINUSA
First United Methodist ChurchCrown PointINUSA
St. Mary Catholic ChurchCrown PointINUSA
Church of the Four SeasonsCrown PointINUSA
Holy Spirit Roman Catholic ChurchCrown PointINUSA
Northwest Seventh-day Adventist ChurchCrown PointINUSA
St. John's United Church of ChristCrown PointINUSA
St. Petka Chapel Crown PointINUSA
Sts. Peter and Paul Macedonian Orthodox Church Crown PointINUSA
Southlake Church Of The NazareneCrown PointINUSA
Trinity Lutheran ChurchCrown PointINUSA
American Reformed ChurchDe MotteINUSA
Rise ChurchDyerINUSA
Saint JosephDyerINUSA
Saint Maria Goretti ChurchDyerINUSA
Greater Destiny Bible ChurchEast ChicagoINUSA
House of Glory Word OutreachEast ChicagoINUSA
Saint George Serbian ChurchEast ChicagoINUSA
St. Stanislaus ChurchEast ChicagoINUSA
Sacred Heart Catholic ChurchFowlerINUSA
Christ United Methodist ChurchGaryINUSA
Cathedral of the Holy Angels     GaryINUSA
St. Mary of the Lake Catholic ChurchGaryINUSA
St. Mark ChurchGaryINUSA
St Timothy Community ChurchGaryINUSA
Faith United Church of ChristHammondINUSA
Christian Church of HebronHebronINUSA
Grace Evangelical Lutheran ChurchHobartINUSA
Christian Assembly - Assemblies of GodHobartINUSA
Crossroads of Hope Assembly of GodHebronINUSA
Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsHebronINUSA
Broadway United Methodist ChurchIndianapolisINUSA
Christ Church CathedralIndianapolisINUSA
Greater Gethsemane Baptist ChurchIndianapolisINUSA
New Baptist ChurchIndianapolisINUSA
North United Methodist ChurchIndianapolisINUSA
Saint John the EvangelistIndianapolisINUSA
St Philip's Episcopal ChurchIndianapolisINUSA
Scottish Rite Cathedral ( Masonic Temple )IndianapolisINUSA
Bethany Lutheran ChurchLa PorteINUSA
Gate City Church La PorteINUSA
La Porte Missionary ChurchLa PorteINUSA
Sacred Heart Catholic Church La PorteINUSA
St. Joseph Catholic Church La PorteINUSA
St. Peter Catholic ChurchLa PorteINUSA
Saint Lawrence Catholic ChurchLafayetteINUSA
St. Mary of the Immaculate ConceptionLafayetteINUSA
St. Francis Chapel at Franciscan St. Elizabeth Central HospitalLafayetteINUSA
Pathway ChurchLake StationINUSA
Redeemer Lutheran ChurchLake StationINUSA
Holy Martyrs Catholic Church MerrillvilleINUSA
St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church         MerrillvilleINUSA
1st Presbyterian ChurchMichigan CityINUSA
Notre Dame Catholic ChurchMichigan CityINUSA
Queen of All Saints ChurchMichigan CityINUSA
Salvation ArmyMichigan CityINUSA
St. Andrew's Episcopal ChurchMichigan CityINUSA
St. Mary Immaculate ConceptionMichigan CityINUSA
Saint Paul LutheranMichigan CityINUSA
St. Stanislaus Catholic ChurchMichigan CityINUSA
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin MaryNew ChicagoINUSA
Sacred Heart ( basilica ) Notre DameINUSA
Central Church of GodPortageINUSA
Faith Mission ChurchPortageINUSA
Ogden Dunes Community ChurchPortageINUSA
Evangelical Covenant ChurchPortageINUSA
Nativity of Our Savior Catholic ChurchPortageINUSA
Saint Peter Lutheran ChurchPortageINUSA
Augsburg Evangelical Lutheran ChurchPorter INUSA
Porter United Methodist ChurchPorter INUSA
St. Augustine Catholic ChurchRensselaerINUSA
Church of the NazareneRensselaerINUSA
St John the EvangelistSaint JohnINUSA
The Shrine of Christ's PassionSaint JohnINUSA
St George Hellenic Greek ChurchScherervilleINUSA
St. Michael the Archangel ChurchScherervilleINUSA
1st Presbyterian ChurchSouth BendINUSA
1st United Methodist ChurchSouth BendINUSA
Ambassadors For ChristSouth BendINUSA
Miracle Revival ChurchSouth BendINUSA
New Jerusalem MB ChurchSouth BendINUSA
Pentecostal Cathedral Church of GodSouth BendINUSA
St. Adalbert Catholic ChurchSouth BendINUSA
St. HedwigSouth BendINUSA
Saint Joseph ChurchSouth BendINUSA
St. Paul's Memorial United Methodist ChurchSouth BendINUSA
St. Patrick ChurchSouth BendINUSA
St. Stanislaus Catholic ChurchSouth BendINUSA
Community Baptist ChurchUnion Pier INUSA
1st Baptist ChurchValparaisoINUSA
1st Church of Christ, ScientistValparaisoINUSA
1st Presbyterian ChurchValparaisoINUSA
1st United Methodist ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Aberdeen Manor ( Ballroom )ValparaisoINUSA
BridgePoint ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Calvary ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Central Christian ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Crossing Community ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Good Shepherd Presbyterian ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Grace ChapelValparaisoINUSA
Heritage Evangelical Lutheran ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Immanuel Lutheran ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Our Lady of SorrowsValparaisoINUSA
Prince of Peace Lutheran ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Resurrection ( chapel of )ValparaisoINUSA
Saint Andrew Episcopal ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Saint Paul Catholic ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Saint Teresa of Avila Catholic Student CenterValparaisoINUSA
Trinity Lutheran ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Union Community UCCValparaisoINUSA
Valparaiso Apostolic Christian ChurchValparaiso INUSA
Valparaiso Baptist ChurchValparaiso INUSA
Valparaiso Nazarene ChurchValparaiso INUSA
Washington Evangelical Free ChurchValparaisoINUSA
Old Cathedral Catholic ChurchVincennesINUSA
Sacred Heart Catholic ChurchWanatahINUSA
Salem United Church of ChristWanatahINUSA
Altitude Church / Living Faith FellowshipWanatahINUSA
Christ Presbyterian Church of WinfieldWinfieldINUSA

Last updated : Sun, 01 Dec 2024 22:13:16 +0100